Dawson is starting to cut a few molars. Because of this, he's a wee bit crabby.
I really had to make cookies for a ward party tomorrow.
Dawson got to help me =)
He REALLY liked being in the kitchen with me. He hates it when I go in there without him (which is everytime I enter the kitchen)
Without encouragement, he decided to stir. Baby see baby do!
But THIS was NOT a baby see baby do moment. He's a smart kid. He realized this was sugary deliciousness really fast.
Going in for seconds.
See that binkie behind him? I know I post his binkie on here a lot, but he seriously doesn't get his binkie unless he is sleeping. There have been a handful of exceptions since this rule was made 6 months ago.
See that binkie behind him? I know I post his binkie on here a lot, but he seriously doesn't get his binkie unless he is sleeping. There have been a handful of exceptions since this rule was made 6 months ago.
But anyways, the binkie: I pulled it out of his mouth to give him a little bite of cookie dough. When I pulled it out, I put it on that jar behind him. When he was done eating, he put it back in his mouth. When he went to get another bite, he reached back and put it back on the jar. What a funny kid. Later, he dipped his binkie into the cookie dough and then back into his mouth. What a stinker!
Some things are inherited...the love of cookie dough..Dawson is so smart and cleaver!!!!What a cutie! Love Grandma Isaksen