Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lots of Progress

My recent accomplishments ....

Last night, I wanted beef stogonoff. Aaron informed me that he did not like beef stogonoff. Throw in some corn, take out the sour cream, and throw in a ramen touch and I had him asking for seconds! It's hard to make a meal that Aaron doesn't like, but it's nice to change his mind about a meal =)

Recently, I have taken up crocheting. I started a newborn beanie a month ago and finally finished it (thanks conference!) Due to my embarrassment, I will not post a picture. Let's just say, it was supposed to fit a newborn, but it's wide enough to fit Aaron's head ... but it isn't long enough to even touch his ears (it looks much like a yamaka for a large bear) . I can't decide to finish it off and keep it as a memento of my progress (it can only get better from there right?!) or add a few more rows and turn it into an ugly beanie for Aaron? Keep ya posted on that one ...

In unrelated news, Finals start tomorrow! Then it's graduation time SATURDAY! We are BEYOND stoked!


  1. We had beef strogonoff last night, haha. It's one of Reagan's favs. I will make sure to not make that when you and Aaron come over!
    I am super excited that you are graduating! That will be soooo nice to be done before the baby comes! Then you can just focus on your little guy. =)

  2. i understand the frustration of making baby beanies! i have attempted many times! Try youtubing a how to video! Those help me :) & congrats on graduating!! so excited for yall to move back!
